Diversity and Inclusion

 Our Commitment

The Gull’s Grocery is committed to fair practices in the workplace. 

We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment from our team or our customers. 

We work to create equality not only in our spaces but in the processes we employ such as recruitment, training, opportunities and access. 


When recruiting employees we will use a standardised interview format so each employee can be judged on merit. We will make sure there is a panel of interviewers, no interview will be conducted one on one. 

The Gull’s Grocery is an anti-racist organisation and acknowledges that unconscious bias exists in all of us. We will work to negate that by consulting with anti-racist organisations, using structured interviews and tracking our diversity statistics. 

Food retail historically hires able bodied people and makes little accommodations for accessibility. We find this discriminatory. GG will work to make our premises accessible for staff and customers alike and will not discriminate based on gaps in employment, sick days, or the need for accommodations. 

Anyone employed by GG can choose to be a member of the steering committee and will have an active voice and the same vote as all other workers. 

Grievances, Complaints, and Changes

While The Gull’s Grocery is a small organisation we do not have a dedicated Human Resources representative. As such our steering committee will take steps to create fair processes to deal with any grievances. Including anonymised reporting, and paying freelance human resources or mediation teams when needed. 

We will take strong measures against any and all workplace discrimination up to and including termination. 

Our Suppliers

We will keep up to date with the products we supply and organisations which produce them. We will not sell products from companies which use violence, slavery, and/or unethical business practices (list to be sourced). 

Where possible we will push our suppliers to act ethically by prioritising fellow cooperatives and local businesses in our supply chain.

Our Spaces

The Gull’s Grocery provides space for small businesses, local makers, organisation or individuals to “pop-up” in. We do not take responsibility for these individuals or organisations, however, we will take steps to verify the organisations, make clear our positions, and will remove any individuals spreading hate in this or any other of our spaces.

We reserve the right to refuse space to anyone. We have a zero tolerance policy to those promoting hate speech, using “dog whistles” which indicate extremist viewpoints, or any form of bigotry and discrimination against marginalised people.

Our pop-up partners will be provided with a code of conduct before setting up in store and will be expected to adhere to this.

The Gull’s Grocery is a trans led organisation. Please bear this in mind when requesting our space.