Renovation Station

Hey, Gulls!

Have you ever taken on a project that ended up being a little bit more work than you had anticipated? Unfortunately here at Gull HQ we are feeling that way as we near our intended opening date. For every one job we finish another two appear and our deadline has snuck up closer and closer. This means we have to delay our grand opening. 

At The Gull's Grocery we are incredibly passionate about providing the best possible environment for our customers and workplace for our team. A major reason for opening our own shop is so we can prioritise both customers and workers in ways that all the other businesses we had worked for were either unable to or had deliberately chosen to neglect. If we were to force ourselves to stick to our initial opening date we would not be able to do this. We truly believe in our vision for The Gull's Grocery and so given the choice between that and delaying our opening was no choice at all. 

It's always hard to admit that any deadline will be unachievable, particularly one tied to such a personal goal. Neither of us are builders or house flippers and while there has been lots of fun to find in the renovation process we are both incredibly eager to get to the part of this that we have both been anticipating for so long, welcoming you all into our very own shop.

Em’s dad uncovers another wonderful display area.

While this announcement comes with disappointment it is also in it's own way a victory. We are determined to not just be another business that cares only for profits at the expense of everything else and making this decision to delay opening to provide a better experience for everyone involved is not one that we would have likely taken if we were purely profit driven.

Thank you so much to everyone who has voiced their support and given us encouragement throughout the process so far. Whether you've commented on one of our posts on social media, signed up to our newsletter or popped your head in the door of the shop itself to say hello, you've inspired us to keep going through any set backs more than you could imagine. 

Our beautiful display table has finally arrived!

We're still working hard on the renovations so keep an eye out on our social media for progress reports, interesting finds and pictures of us and all those who have been so kind to lend us a helping hand. Feel free to sign up for our newsletter below as well to stay in the loop. Hopefully we'll have some news soon for everyone who is as excited about our opening as us.


Why a co-operative? Work philosophy from the chronically under paid.


Messenger Birds, Burn Out, and Fair Work.