Supply and Demand

Hey, Gulls!

Still no “official” opening date on our end. It’s always the paperwork that gets you with these things…

We do however have some brilliant suppliers lined up and we thought some food philosophy wouldn’t go amiss here today.

Let’s talk supply.

Choosing suppliers is not simply a case of who has what we want and we Gull’s are super nerds for the process. So today, I get to let you in on it.

Previously, I’ve written here about our mission, Affordable Food For All, Luna and I have both talked about fair work. We hope you are getting a sense of our values by now.

Choosing suppliers, the three most important things we considered were: affordability, sustainability, and worker’s rights.


Our interest in supplying affordable food isn’t one we take lightly. It’s in our founding documents! So, our suppliers need to charge fair prices too.


How food is sourced in our current system is this intricate, expansive, complex, spiderweb. This two folk operation in Sunny Leith isn’t going to solve it. But, we firmly believe our choices are important. Our suppliers must understand that we are in a climate crisis and be part of the solution not the problem.

Worker’s Rights

We’re a worker’s co-operative. Naturally we want every worker in our supply chain to be in fair employment. While we cannot guarantee this, we can prioritise working with fellow co-operatives and companies which do not rely on underpaid workers to make mega profits.


Our stretch of Ferry Road is already proving filled with folk who have knowledge and ideas about what they want from their local shops. Every time we work outside we get to have insightful conversations with our neighbours.

On that note, we have open ears as to what you want. Not only do we have a community corner in development but we encourage you to stop us for a chat, ask for things you like, or discuss whether organic produce is worth the cost with us (this topic is bound to be a blog post soon).

Alas, that’s all we have time for this week. Questions, comments, and suggestions welcome via our social pages or get in touch below!


Opening Extravaganza


Why a co-operative? Work philosophy from the chronically under paid.