Opening Extravaganza

The Gull’s Grocery Opening Poster

Hey Gull Gang!

I'm so pleased to announce that we will be open from this Friday! That's the 11th of February at 10am.

We'll be running celebrations all weekend with discounts and stickers given out every hour!

Our first customer each day will get a Gull's Grocery sticker, 10% off their shopping, glass bottles for your refills and can demand Em or Luna do a silly dance.

It's been a long journey. We cannot thank everyone who has helped us enough, particularly Em's dad, Stuart, who was invaluable to the renovation process. Both, as an amazing DIY'er and as support from start to finish.

We also need to thank Karen (Em's mum) of Wee Cheeky Toerag for painting our sign. Geri (Luna's mum) for helping us clean and clear. Susan for being a level head and painting like a champ. Georgie Taylor gave invaluable plumbing advice and got us the tools we needed. Charlie who painted the outside and helped the shop feel like ours.

A special thank you to Keith and Carol Wood for the initial invaluable support and reading over the business plan.

And, of course, everyone who has stopped to talk to us, messaged us on social media, or given us a thumbs up at the window.

This is just the beginning. We can't wait to see you all soon!


And we’re off…


Supply and Demand